【图片/相册管理】 共收录 48 款开源项目
1. 基于FLASH PLAYER 8的大头贴拍摄程序
2. 大头贴涂鸦支持
3. 文件上传支持
4. 大头贴相框支持
5. 大头贴合拍
6. 站内留言/短信
7. 前台快速设置头像/删除照片
8. 拍拍之星超级推荐
9. 普通照片推荐功能
1. 基于FLASH PLAYER 8的大头贴拍摄程序
2. 大头贴涂鸦支持
3. 文件上传支持
4. 大头贴相框支持
5. 大头贴合拍
6. 站内留言/短信
7. 前台快速设置头像/删除照片
8. 拍拍之星超级推荐
9. 普通照片推荐功能
4images is a powerful web-based image gallery management system. Features include comment system, user registration and mangagement, password protected administration area with browser-based upload and HTML templates for page layout and design.
By using the integrated template system the design and layout can be customized easily. 4images is multilingual: an external language file can be used for translation in other languages.
More features are: RSS feeds, search engine, automatic thumbnail generation, extensive user administration, upload function for users, showing IPTC and EXIF data of images, rating of images, spam protection, protection against hotlinking, newsletter function, e-cards, integrated database backup function, etc.
An overview of all functions can be found on the Features subsite.
4images is free for private and non-commercial use.
By using the integrated template system the design and layout can be customized easily. 4images is multilingual: an external language file can be used for translation in other languages.
More features are: RSS feeds, search engine, automatic thumbnail generation, extensive user administration, upload function for users, showing IPTC and EXIF data of images, rating of images, spam protection, protection against hotlinking, newsletter function, e-cards, integrated database backup function, etc.
An overview of all functions can be found on the Features subsite.
4images is free for private and non-commercial use.
MiniGal Nano
MiniGal Nano is now available!
Nano is a very simple and user friendly PHP/HTML/CSS image gallery script. There is no backend, just upload it to your server along with your images and you're good to go. Simple editing of the configuration file gives you control of some features.
MiniGal Nano is different from previous MiniGal versions:
Nano is a very simple and user friendly PHP/HTML/CSS image gallery script. There is no backend, just upload it to your server along with your images and you're good to go. Simple editing of the configuration file gives you control of some features.
MiniGal Nano is different from previous MiniGal versions:
- Light-weight
- Extremely easy to setup
- Thumbnails are square for better alignment and general look
- Thumbnails are generated on-the-fly using a seperate script - this means no more script errors if a thumbnail can't be created (ie. PHP out of memory)!
- No admin backend, just upload images to your webhost via FTP or you own webbased filemanager
- Pure CSS templates - works with all major browsers
- EXIF image data can be displayed
- Automatic image rotation based on EXIF data
- Multiple sorting options
- JPEG, PNG, GIF and PDF files are supported
- Images are displayed using mediaboxAdvanced popups, very sleek looking
MG2 is the sequel to the popular image gallery script MiniGal.
One of the highlights of MG2 is, that it supports PHP running in safe mode which is unsupported by almost all other dynamic image gallery scripts on the web. MG2 is even simpler to use than the original script and it includes a lot of exciting new features.
One of the highlights of MG2 is, that it supports PHP running in safe mode which is unsupported by almost all other dynamic image gallery scripts on the web. MG2 is even simpler to use than the original script and it includes a lot of exciting new features.
is a simple PHP script developed to manage your photo blogging needs.
It's development had in mind, a simple and intuitive user interface not
bloated with pointless features, with the ability to design your own
custom theme easily.
- PHP+FLASH图片缩略导航
- 基于XML - 没有数据库
- 后台上传/管理图片,用户管理,色彩管理,系统配置
- 导航键盘(箭头键)
- 3种不同的幻灯片类型
- 受保护的画廊
- 文本和图像水印
- 支持完整的视频
- 技术工作组的Flash上传
- 在前台29语言,后端5种语言!
- 全屏模式
- 支持远程图片
- 可以启用/禁用所有功能/配置
- 制作独特的照片库。
谷歌贴图可以让用户从互联网搜索图片或从用户的谷歌相册选取图片插入到Discuz论坛,从而提高用户贴图的体验。 用户还可将本地照片批量上传到谷歌相册后插入论坛,达到节省网站空间的目的。
- 发帖时引用网络搜索图片
- 发帖时引用Picasa网络相册图片
- 发帖时批量上传图片至Picasa网络相册,并插入帖子
Ajax File/Image Manager
- 可运行于php4与php5
- 充分运用Ajax来管理远程文件与图片
- 减少重新下载整个窗口,迅速更快。
- 内置所见即所得的图片编程软体
- 支持多语言包
- 可设置账号与密码
- 完全可个性化,创建自己的系统皮肤
谷歌看图是谷歌开发的一个Discuz!论坛图贴插件,它是一个基于 Flash
Pixelpost 是一个开源的图片博客应用程序,有评论、缩略图浏览、照片信息、 RSS订阅功能、垃圾评论过滤、多语言支持和诸多的图片特效,最重要的是它所支持的插件和模板比较丰富。你可以很轻松使用它创建自己的个性相册或图片博客。
SPGM(Simple Picture Gallery Manager)该基于Web的图片管理器支持为图片加说明,不限制图片分类目录,支持对每个目录进行配置(支持继承),随机或固定缩略图,对新图片加亮显示,支持EXIF,提供幻灯片浏览模式,易于集成到网站中,可按自己的喜好来调整界面主题样式,多语言支持(当前提供34种)。
- AJAX框架(23)
- 博客Blog(34)
- 论坛系统(35)
- ERP&CRM(7)
- 聊天Chat(13)
- 内容管理CMS(135)
- 数据库管理(23)
- 开发框架(119)
- 电子商务E-Commerce(35)
- 网上教育(14)
- 电子邮件Email(23)
- FAQ系统(4)
- 协同工作(7)
- 图片/相册管理(48)
- 电子报(2)
- 网络管理(7)
- 新闻系统(7)
- 安全相关(6)
- 网站流量统计(7)
- Wiki知识库(21)
- 项目管理(23)
- RSS相关(9)
- LDAP管理(4)
- OA系统(3)
- PDF(9)
- Bug跟踪系统(7)
- 模板引擎(12)
- 文档管理(24)
- 网络书签(3)
- 社交网络(SNS)(12)
- 搜索引擎(7)
- 微博客MicroBlog(11)
- HTML&文字编辑器(6)
- 图表制作Charts(17)
- 其它(231)