【新闻系统】 共收录 7 款开源项目

Cute news
Cute news is a powerful and easy to use news management system that uses flat files to store its database. It supports
commenting, archives, search function, file upload management, backup & restore, IP banning, flood
protection ...
- Quick and easy installation
- You don't need MySQL, everything is stored in files
- Super-Easy to use Template system
- Visitors can post comments
- Smilies, Avatars and HTML code can be used in posts
- Multilpe categories function
- WYSIWYG editor
- Different User Levels with restricted access
- Add/Edit/Post news, comments and users online
- Auto archiving of old news
- No news building, everything is automated
- Edit news templates
- Visitors can search in your news news database
- Password protected names in comments
- Flood protection & IP Banning of users
- Backup Function
- And many more cool functions ...

Unclassified NewsBoard
Unclassified NewsBoard(简称UNB)是一款基于PHP的开源电子公告板,和你知道大多公告板一样。
Unclassified NewsBoard有很多创新功能。
The Unclassified NewsBoard (short UNB) is an open-source, PHP-based internet bulletin board system, mostly like those you may already know. But the difference is in a lot of details that make your life with this board, both as administrator and user, much easier. You’ll be surprised how easy things can be and how fast you can work with such a system! The Unclassified NewsBoard has a lot of innovative features the world has never seen before in this way. I run this project in my spare time, mostly because over two years ago, none of the freely available forum systems fully convinced me and because I found fun in that job.
Unclassified NewsBoard有很多创新功能。
The Unclassified NewsBoard (short UNB) is an open-source, PHP-based internet bulletin board system, mostly like those you may already know. But the difference is in a lot of details that make your life with this board, both as administrator and user, much easier. You’ll be surprised how easy things can be and how fast you can work with such a system! The Unclassified NewsBoard has a lot of innovative features the world has never seen before in this way. I run this project in my spare time, mostly because over two years ago, none of the freely available forum systems fully convinced me and because I found fun in that job.


Absolut Engine
Absolut Engine是一个新闻发布系统。它的特性:三层访问控制(管理员/总编辑/编辑),发布/修改/删除文章。它还包括一个强大的图片管理工具,一个文件管理器和一个相关文章管理器。
- AJAX框架(23)
- 博客Blog(34)
- 论坛系统(35)
- ERP&CRM(7)
- 聊天Chat(13)
- 内容管理CMS(135)
- 数据库管理(23)
- 开发框架(119)
- 电子商务E-Commerce(35)
- 网上教育(14)
- 电子邮件Email(23)
- FAQ系统(4)
- 协同工作(7)
- 图片/相册管理(48)
- 电子报(2)
- 网络管理(7)
- 新闻系统(7)
- 安全相关(6)
- 网站流量统计(7)
- Wiki知识库(21)
- 项目管理(23)
- RSS相关(9)
- LDAP管理(4)
- OA系统(3)
- PDF(9)
- Bug跟踪系统(7)
- 模板引擎(12)
- 文档管理(24)
- 网络书签(3)
- 社交网络(SNS)(12)
- 搜索引擎(7)
- 微博客MicroBlog(11)
- HTML&文字编辑器(6)
- 图表制作Charts(17)
- 其它(231)