MiniGal Nano
MiniGal Nano is now available!
Nano is a very simple and user friendly PHP/HTML/CSS image gallery script. There is no backend, just upload it to your server along with your images and you're good to go. Simple editing of the configuration file gives you control of some features.
MiniGal Nano is different from previous MiniGal versions:
Nano is a very simple and user friendly PHP/HTML/CSS image gallery script. There is no backend, just upload it to your server along with your images and you're good to go. Simple editing of the configuration file gives you control of some features.
MiniGal Nano is different from previous MiniGal versions:
- Light-weight
- Extremely easy to setup
- Thumbnails are square for better alignment and general look
- Thumbnails are generated on-the-fly using a seperate script - this means no more script errors if a thumbnail can't be created (ie. PHP out of memory)!
- No admin backend, just upload images to your webhost via FTP or you own webbased filemanager
- Pure CSS templates - works with all major browsers
- EXIF image data can be displayed
- Automatic image rotation based on EXIF data
- Multiple sorting options
- JPEG, PNG, GIF and PDF files are supported
- Images are displayed using mediaboxAdvanced popups, very sleek looking

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