Ep-Dev Whois

Ep-Dev Whois 一款国外的域名whois查询工具 PHP+TXT 可以查所有的域名。

EP-Dev Whois is a whois php script that has a multitude of features. It will act an an ordinary whois script, returning whois information natively on about 200 different extensions with the ability to easily add more. It will also act as a whois script for registrars who plan to pass available domains into a billing system for a customer to order. These two modes contain a many of features: price table, automatic alternative domain searches, ability to pass the full domain and/or extension (tld) to another script, backup nameservers, domain search logging, multiple extension (tld) searches as one time, query limit bypass, custom keyword and query formats for each nameserver, enable/disable nameservers and/or extensions, custom currency support, and much more. All of the configuration can be edited from within control panel. Fully template driven, allowing for one to easily edit almost every element of the display to fit any website.

EP-Dev Whois is open source! You will receive full php source code with your order.




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