SPIP is a publishing system for the Internet in which great importance is attached to collaborative working, to multilingual environments, and to simplicity of use for web authors. It is free software, distributed under the GNU/GPL licence. This means that it can be used for any Internet site, whether personal or institutional, non-profit or commercial.
SPIP is developed (programmed, documented, translated, etc.) and used by a community in which there is an open invitation to participate. To do so, make contact through one of the various websites, mailing lists and meetings (aka. SPIP parties) which exist.
- AJAX框架(23)
- 博客Blog(34)
- 论坛系统(35)
- ERP&CRM(7)
- 聊天Chat(13)
- 内容管理CMS(135)
- 数据库管理(23)
- 开发框架(119)
- 电子商务E-Commerce(35)
- 网上教育(14)
- 电子邮件Email(23)
- FAQ系统(4)
- 协同工作(7)
- 图片/相册管理(48)
- 电子报(2)
- 网络管理(7)
- 新闻系统(7)
- 安全相关(6)
- 网站流量统计(7)
- Wiki知识库(21)
- 项目管理(23)
- RSS相关(9)
- LDAP管理(4)
- OA系统(3)
- PDF(9)
- Bug跟踪系统(7)
- 模板引擎(12)
- 文档管理(24)
- 网络书签(3)
- 社交网络(SNS)(12)
- 搜索引擎(7)
- 微博客MicroBlog(11)
- HTML&文字编辑器(6)
- 图表制作Charts(17)
- 其它(231)