1Line Blog
1Line Blog is yet another great product from 1Line Design, It is powered by PHP and using MySQL as database storage. It has a template based system so will allow theme design the Blog very easy, we have also included an easy installer for this script to make your job quick and easy on getting your blog online. The blog is also XHTML 1.0 Strict Compliant, CSS Complaint, Bobby Complaint, WCAG Level AA of Accessibility and meets required 508 Standards.
Below are just a few of the new features available in 1Line Blog
Below are just a few of the new features available in 1Line Blog
- Captchas - Helps blocking comment spam.
- Static pages - Create and manage static pages.
- Menu - Customizable menu.
- Flexible CSS markup - Applies to W3C standards.
- Multilingual interface - You can easily translate 1Line Blog into your language, or download language files from here.
- Censoring - Ability to censor certain words. This can also be used to hi-lite words.
- Post archive - Posts are automatically organized into the archive. This can easily be disabled.
- Blocks - 1Line Blog comes with a variety of blocks. These blocks can easily be enabled/disabled and positioned to match your needs. Write your own block or download user contributed blocks. You can also add and/or edit "custom blocks" online.
- Calendar - Posts are automatically assigned to the calendar.
- You Tube Movies - Easily add you tube movies into your posts.
- Easy to customize - By using templates, styles and language files 1Line Blog becomes very flexible and integration into existing site designs made easier.
- Time Zones - Support for different time zones.
- Easy upgrades and installation - 1Line Blog comes with an installer that also works as an up-grader from previous versions.
- Manage posts - Edit, save drafts, preview and publish your posts.
- Manage images - Upload, organize and publish your images.
- Categories - Organize your posts into different categories to keep your blog structured.
- Formatting using BBCodes - 1Line Blog makes use of BBCodes which are often used by forums and very easy to learn.
- Syndication using RSS Feeds and/or XHTML - Applies to the RSS 2.0 and/or W3C specifications.
- Trackback and trackback ping - Applies to Six Apart's trackback specifications.
- Search - Let your visitors search for posts in your database.
- User comments - Users can leave comments on specific posts (the comments can even be formatted using BBCodes). User comments can also be disabled.
- XHTML 1.0 Strict - Applies to W3C standards.
- CSS Compliant - Applies to W3C standards.
- Bobby Compliant - Applies to Bobby & W3C WCAG.
- 508 Standards - Applies to 508 Standards for Accessibility.
- WCAG Level AA - Applies to W3C WCAG Level AA Accessibility.
- URL rewriting - Support for URL rewriting using mod_rewrite (Apache only) for user friendly URL's.

- AJAX框架(23)
- 博客Blog(34)
- 论坛系统(35)
- ERP&CRM(7)
- 聊天Chat(13)
- 内容管理CMS(135)
- 数据库管理(23)
- 开发框架(119)
- 电子商务E-Commerce(35)
- 网上教育(14)
- 电子邮件Email(23)
- FAQ系统(4)
- 协同工作(7)
- 图片/相册管理(48)
- 电子报(2)
- 网络管理(7)
- 新闻系统(7)
- 安全相关(6)
- 网站流量统计(7)
- Wiki知识库(21)
- 项目管理(23)
- RSS相关(9)
- LDAP管理(4)
- OA系统(3)
- PDF(9)
- Bug跟踪系统(7)
- 模板引擎(12)
- 文档管理(24)
- 网络书签(3)
- 社交网络(SNS)(12)
- 搜索引擎(7)
- 微博客MicroBlog(11)
- HTML&文字编辑器(6)
- 图表制作Charts(17)
- 其它(231)